Championnats du Monde Open de Ski Augmenté - Augmented Skiing Open World Championships

The Augmented Skier population does not necessarily have the same aims, wishes or objectives that we meet on traditional international circuits. This Open Augmented Skiing World Championships is certainly a sporting event, but we also want it to be a festive and friendly moment of exchange and fun. Ophélie David has therefore prepared specific rules which will give everyone a chance to distinguish yourselves, even if a slalom pole is not your friend !
Championship rules
1 Giant Slalom XL (320 m vertical drop) individual race in one run, with your exoskeleton
Each team has a beeper that they will punch on the tags placed on the ski area. Tags will not have the same values and will be grouped by color codes. Use your exoskeleton to ski more !
Giant Slalom points (Coefficient 1) and Ski-Trail points (coefficent 2) will be added together to establish an overall individual ranking
For the Giant Slalom
We apply the FFS GS regulations
The competition takes place in only one run
Random draw bibs in each category (oldest go first)
GS run in bib order
At the end of the Giant Slalom, points will be applied as follows::
1st- 1000pts
2nd- 800pts
4th- 650pts
5th- 525pts
6th- 500pts
From 7th to 10th -20pts per place
10th- 480pts
From 11th to 25th -10pts per place
25th- 330pts
From 26th to 50st -5pts per place
50st- 205pts
From 51st to the last one -1pts
Disqualified and non-starters will be awarded points equivalent to the last ranked competitor
For the Ski-Trail :
Random draw of teams of 4 (mixed all categories) during the lunch
​Each team will have a beeper that will punch on the tags placed on the ski area. Tags will not have the same values ​​and will be grouped by color code. Be prepared for a strategic event.
Final score :
Score by competitor: Giant Slalom points (coefficient 1) + Ski-Trail points (Coefficient 2)
Scratch Giant Slalom and Ski-Trail Ranking Announcements
Award for each category
Snowboarders, telemark and monoski will be merged with Alpine Skiing categories
The organization team reserves the right to modify the rules according to the weather conditions or the number of participants for example.
This Augmented Skiing Championships is a funny / friendly event and not an offical race.

The use of an exoskeleton during the event is required.
Wearing the helmet is mandatory during the Giant Slalom and strongly recommended during all other times on the slopes.

An FFS license will be required upon registration. If you do not have an FFS license, you can receive an FFS Discovery Pass at € 6 (valid for 48 hours) from the Ski-Mojo Club.
Friday 28 January 2023​
Afternoon : optional slalom training with Ophélie David
Welcome drink (around 19:30 - place to be announced)
Saturday 29 January 2022​
09:30 - Giant Slalom - warm-up and course inspection with Ophélie David
10:30 - Giant Slalom - Race start
12:00 - Lunch on the slopes - constitution of Ski-Trail teams
13:30-16:30 - Ski-Trail by team
20:00 - Gala diner and awards ceremony
Sunday 30 January 2022
09:30 - General meeting at the "Front de Neige"
10:00-12:00 - Flash Mob Augmented skiing day - all together on the slopes
Afternoon free lunch and skiing